Christmas is a wonderful time of year…for most people.
Christmas is also a time of year where emotions tug at our hearts more than we care to admit.
During the holiday season, we tend to painfully feel the void of our loved ones who are no longer with us, especially those with recent losses, and those whose who struggle with loneliness.
Not to be a downer during the holidays but rather a gentle reminder that not all are ‘home for the holidays.’
Today as I was eagerly getting ready to spend this Christmas Eve with my daughter-in-law’s family. I was gleefully dancing around singing Christmas songs. I was so happy that my heart was singing this holiday season with all the blessings that 2017 has given me. Then the song “I Wonder What Christmas in Heaven is Like” came on…and I lost it. I mean really lost it.
Ugly cry.
Missing my Jena.
Pity party for one, rocking on the bathroom floor…a complete and total mess.
3 to 4 tissues in, Marc came in to give me that hug…that understanding tight hug knowing that grieving our loved ones is a process; an 11 year and 20-day process for me. Grief can hit you hard and unexpectedly, or you can carry it openly and struggle with it daily. Either way, I truly believe that love is a blessing, sometimes a painful one, but still a beautiful blessing nonetheless.
If you are so blessed as to have your family and loved ones surround you this holiday season, would you mind taking a moment to realize how blessed you truly are; please don’t take it for granted.
For those whose hearts are hurting right now, know you are not alone and that if love shared is love multiplied, then pain shared is pain divided. Please reach out to those in your life, or me, if you need someone to talk to. I encourage you to share your emotions, your heart, and your tears with those who love you because someday you’ll have that empathy to share with others.
Scrolling through Facebook during the holidays can be joyous or painful depending on your circumstance.
My Christmas wish for all is to remember that love and compassion go a long way in life; especially during the holidays. If you are so inclined, reach out and help those who are struggling. Sending a text, giving a call, or even commenting words of encouragement to let them know you’re there can go such a long way. You may never know how much your reaching out to them will mean, but they do.
Love those who you can see and know you are loved by those you can’t.
Because one thing I know is that Love Never Ends.
Merry Christmas to all.
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