Hey, you! YOU'RE FLAWSOME! FLAWSOME: A person who embraces their flaws and still knows that they are awesome! Embrace those imperfections, those traits that are unique to you; you know what I'm talking about, the things that you think are flaws? I'm suggesting you own them. You see, the …
Margarete’s Blog
About that WEGO Health Award nomination…
Tell me, what is WEGO Health, and why are you nominated for an award as a Patient Leader? Good question. I asked the same thing. Here you go; WEGO Health is a mission-driven company connecting healthcare with the experience, skills, and insights of Patient Leaders. Apparently, I‘m a …
Featured in Woman Wednesday – My Q&A
I was asked to be featured in an international blog, 'Woman Wednesday' whose focus is to inspire women around the world, talk about an honor. Me? Whoa. It was published today; here's what I wrote. 1. What are you passionate about? I am passionate about living my best life, which includes …
Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated. It's like: Who hasn't used the fun, bouncy, cartoon transferable ball of putty in their lifetime? In 1943, James Wright invented Silly Putty while …
It seems the older I get, the harder it is to move. When did that happen? At 50, I know that if I don’t m-o-v-e, my body gets stiff, my energy dwindles, and my mind eventually follows suit. It’s not long before I find myself plopped on the couch still in my PJs, watching some reality show, …
Raw and Real
"Wow, you have beautiful eyes, are they yours?" This was the question slash compliment from the cashier at Publix this morning. "Thank you, yes they are, and so are the wrinkles," I answered; covering up my inability to take a compliment by my self-deprecating humor. It was …
Because I am a CF Mama
♥ So here's the thing... I am a CF Mama I am 50% genetically responsible for my two kids having Cystic Fibrosis and I am 100% responsible for my unconditional love for them. I became a prized fighter against insurance companies, unnecessary testing, and ridiculous bureaucratic …