Feel that?Smell that?Hear that?Yup..those are my official sounds of summer.You gotta thank Mother Nature for always nudging us to, “Move along, little ones…move along.”It’s been a long-hard Spring in the CF world. There have been some seriously heartbreaking stories, tissue boxes full of …
Margarete’s Blog
No one likes to say goodbye.Sometimes you’re told you have 10 minutes to say goodbye:(excerpt from Beyond Breathing) Dr. Smarty-Pants gave me ten minutes.Ten minutes.That’s all I get to tell Jena everything in my heart. To tell her how much joy she’s brought me. To tell her how much I …
Make it
I am in the 9th hour of a 12-hour car ride from New York to North Carolina, in the backseat, with no control of the music or temperature of the car. At least I have a stash of chocolate and my laptop to keep me sane. My expectations for this trip were low and by low I mean I would have gladly …
Everything I Do
I’m sure you’re not surprised to know I am writing this from seat 11C, non-stop flight from NYC to Los Angeles, California. Where am I off to this time? I have a Beyond Breathing book signing and a Great Strides walk in Huntington Beach, a Cystic Fibrosis fundraising event in Hollywood called …
You Live
Yesterday, May 1st, was the most perfect day here in the Hudson Valley. Blue skies, 85 sunny degrees, a slight breeze and the best thing of all was that I had nothing to do for an entire 24 hours. That, in itself, is a fluke of cosmic inertia. I was so ecstatic about the lack of …
Far Away
Flighty. That's me at times.Last night was no exception.I was invited by my good friend Donna to attend Dr Oz's poshGarden of Good and Evil Galain NYC.Though very excited at the possibility of meeting Dr Oz and his beautiful wife, Lisa, I did question which side of the room they were going to seat …
I’m Back
I’m back...ya miss me?Last we left I was under a bit of stress more than I can or should explain.Suffice it to say I burnt my candle on both ends until I basically was left with nothing but a sad excuse of a stubby wick. Go ahead and giggle...it’s good for the soul.Candle extinguished, …
Headed for a breakdown
Headed for a breakdown.That’s really never good.You see, I have one week left to make Jena’s wish come true and I just don’t know how I’m going to do that. Since she was a little girl, Jena was confident that there would be a cure for CF by the time she was 16.On March 13, 2010 at 11:02pm, she …