Today was haul ass day.
We were still in Florida and had 1,200 miles ahead of us. We loaded up with coffee and gas, and The Starship Escaladewas back in flight.
On the road again…
Marc cranked up his Willie Nelson and I booted up my iPad; what a perfect couple we make.
This is Day 11…11 days of adventure, 11 days of life on the road.
With 2 days left to go, here are a few things I’ve learned:
Sandbars do nothave bartenders…
Trucks are notfilled with coffee…
And alligators aren’t the onlycreatures to fear in the Florida Everglades…
I’ve shared our Jena moments with you that I thought you would enjoy but the bestmoments were the ones I know were meant just for us to understand…like the the pot roast, the Pilot House on 13 Seaview at 3:13pm, a baby boy, 103 or 33, and of course, the fireworks.
I knew this adventure would open our eyes and hearts to signs along life’s way and I know my baby girl is still teaching us lessons like:
Anticipate the unexpected…
Explore a new path…
And set your sail and let the wind take you on your own adventure…
I am amazed at your creativeness and insights! LOVE the pictures to accompany the "lessons"!