When CF parents get together, love is there. It doesn't take long in a room full of cystic fibrosis parents to see love. I was honored to be asked to speak to a group of CF parents in Salt Lake City Thursday night. I expected a small group but the room was filled to capacity with me being …
Recap, Reset, Rename
4 hours 600 people 2 million dollars all for Cystic Fibrosis research. Thursday night was our last CF event of the year. We left on a high note and a fist full of cash for the CF cure. I left the evening with hope for the future, a couple of roses, and a York Peppermint …
11/05/2011 — ADP Payroll Services
Margarete Cassalina, author of the memoir, Beyond Breathing , talked to ADP's Women's Sales Leaders about work/life balance. …
06/11/2009 — New York Times: The Voices of Cystic Fibrosis
Margarete Cassalina, author of the memoir, Beyond Breathing , was interviewed by The New York Times. The article in the Well Section was titled: The Voices of Cystic Fibrosis Click here to read: NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE …