WARNING: Mushy Monday Morning
This Monday morning started like every other day.
Marc woke me up at 7am with a hot cup coffee.
Backstory: 24 years ago he asked me what would it take to make me happy. I half jokingly answered “Wake me up with coffee every morning.”
I can see you rolling your eyes, thinking “Coffee?” Riiiigght….(just a tad sarcastic, I’m sure)
**Okay, back to present day**
While sipping my hot cup of coffee we reflected on our relaxing weekend, discussed what we have on our schedule for today, and listened to CNBC Squawk Box in the background. His idea of pre-gaming for the office.
By 8am he’s off to work and I’m off to workout.
Today my Insanity workout is interrupted by the doorbell and a gentleman holding flowers.
A bit confused and drenched in sweat, I opened the door and he hands me the bouquet and a card that reads :
One of the (many) things I love about Marc is that he DOESN’T send me flowers on our anniversary or my birthday. He sends me flowers ‘just because’ or he picks me flowers on the perfect day. He is able to make every gesture romantic and special. On a sweaty Monday morning he makes me feel like I’m the only one on his mind while I am certain he is fielding a ton of incessant demands.
Why am I sharing all this with you?
Because I would like to counter all the negative with some positive.
It’s the small things that mean so much.
It’s the morning coffee
It’s the weekend drive
It’s the holding hands
It’s two people connecting
Everyone knows relationships take work, but I think many people forget to appreciate the mini moments, the genuine gestures, the simple acts of kindness.
Marc and I have been together for 24 years, and we…
work daily at appreciating each other,
work daily on how to get through some serious challenges in our lives,
and work daily on how to make each other better…all over a morning cup of coffee.
Well that and perhaps an evening glass of wine or two.
My point, we work at it daily.
Every day.
Putting daily thought and effort into our relationship like we do our job, our health, our children.
I hope you know this blog isn’t some lesson on love but just a small insight into us and how we’ve managed to make the crazy life we have…just a bit sane.
Oh crap…I left Shaun T on pause…ok, back to regular Monday morning workout.
But I’m taking these flowers with me.

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.”~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Margaret, I was lucky to be at the cf event in New Paltz at the winery in Oct and won the basket with your book and the peppermint patty 🙂 I did wait till the end to have the patty 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story. I feel honored to have read your book. I think you are an amazing women. I read the book in 2 days- and boy did I cry- but what a beautiful book and such a beautiful message about life and what it means to really embrace. Thank you for allowing me to get to know Jenna and your family through you book. I wish you and your family love and peace and I will continue to support the fight to find treatment and cures for cf.
Sincerely, Susan Mattsen
Sincerely, Susan Mattsen
Thank you Susan,
Thank you for opening your heart to cystic fibrosis and getting to *meet* Jena.
All the best,