Adventure: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Escalade. Its 13 day mission: to explore strange new lands, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no married couple has gone before…stuck together, no reservations, no destination…in search of Sanity.
Margarete A. Cassalina …co-captian’s log, star date 11.23
We drove south on I-87, to 17 South, to the Garden State Parkway toward Atlantic City…why?
Because of this:
You see, last year we decided where to begin our trip by throwing a dart at a map. That dart toss brought us to The Natural Bridge in VA, then our Facebook friends took it from there. This year, we knew Jena would lead the way and we received this flyer in the mail the day we asked, “Wonder where our first stop will be?”…the “13” is what convinced us.
However, the word of ‘Just Thursday’ must have gotten out and the rooms were booked…so we brought in the ‘Big Guns’, Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner…The Prince of Price negotiation …Priceline take it away.
Hope lady luck is on our side…because Mama needs a new pair of Manolo Blahniks
Just a few thoughts from the road…
Travel with an open mind and heart
Enjoy the Adventure that’s about to unfold
And wean Marc off the country stations…
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